Common Sense
What is ‘common sense’ but what benefits the majority, the planet, and all its inhabitabts.
Common Sense
We’re always advised to use it
but not to abuse it
what’s ‘common’ for one of us
not necessarily so for the rest
like everything else in existence
common sense evolves, changes
from one generation to the next,
often unrecognizable decades hence
but for the ruling classes, the
economic elite, the status quo
IS common sense for their
vested interests against the rest of us
everything in the universe is subject
to entropy, all systems mineral, organic
political, economic, including
‘common sense’
since everything is in flux, we
can devise a more nuanced
a more beneficial sense of what
it means to be common sensible
something that uses logic and
intuition and creative thinking
to resolve our mutal personal,
social, and ecological problems
build a healthy, sustainable environment
for all of Mother Earth’s inhabitants
not prioritizing the vested interests
of the demagogues, ‘elites’ in their own minds
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