Occupy Ashland - Oct 16, 11 |
The Occupy movement is alive and well. We occupied Judd Plaza in Ashland since Friday night, and plans are to keep it going as long as it takes. Of course that will depend on how many people realize that they are the 99% and will support the effort to get the corrupting money and power of Wall Street out of our democratic processes. It depends on the 99% realizing that the game has been changed, that the richest among us have reneged on the deal that allowed our country to prosper, for there to be a prosperous working class. Since the early '80s, the working class has been squeezed, production has increased, while wages have remained stagnant. At the same time, healthcare and other benefits have declined, and the working poor, elderly, and out of work poor have been crushed with the systematic elimination of the safety net, and that of the richest county in the world.
Occupy Ashland - Oct 15, 11 (World Occupation Day) |
It's way past time for a change. And we don't believe congress has it in them to make the changes necessary to give our government back to the people, by and for which our constitution has supposedly provided it. The occupy movement is not a partisan movement. It is open to all who realize that our system is broken. That our "representatives" are auctioned off to the highest bidders, that they can't change the system even if they wanted to, and they don't, because it's a great gig... great pay, plus perks and gifts from lobbyists, a fantastic pension (100% of their salary...for life), and a Cadillac health care plan. Of course they want to be career politicians, thinking only about how to keep their jobs. Not by pleasing their constituents, but by accepting unlimited campain funds from the richest among us, who want even more, and who don't think they should have to pay anything to help the other 99%.
Ashland Occupation - Oct 16, 11 |
If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going. --Professor Irwin Corey
I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.--H.L. Mencken
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.--Lenin
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.--George Bernard Shaw
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