Saturday, May 01, 2021

Leaving FB


Mt. Lemmon - old fire damage

I'm finally fed up with FB, its censorship, its constant load on my browser, causing constant buffering. I'm sick of its 'suggestions' for my reading interests, establishment trolls, etc. I'm also tired of politics in general. Too many posting there who don't bother to educated themselves about what is actually going on here (buy the flag waving, Bible thumping BS, hook, line, and sinker), the unvarnished truth of our ignominious history and our current position as the world's leading terrorist organization, not to mention the decimation of our own country by our owners and their lickspittles, the governing class. 

The whole political system is corrupt (has been practically since its beginning), bought and paid for. I refuse to be sucked in by the main stream media, the propaganda arm of the ruling elite (our owners). The only hope for humanity and the planet is a truly progressive insurgence all around the world. Failing that, there's nothing for me to pay any attention to. So, I'll be posting my interests here, with just the occasional political rant when I just can't stand to be quiet anymore...


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