Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Election day musings 11-8-2011

Another election day... After voting, we went down to Judd Plaza to “occupy” during the lunch hour. Later, we helped to serve dinner at the Community Kitchen for the supper hour.

No issues on our ballot today, only off-year candidates, governor and such.

I've noticed that those who seem to favor corporate views of the economy (especially those with jobs) are certainly intimidated by the prospects of no job security, as well as their hope that they too will become one of the one percent... In recent polls, 60% of high school and college graduates believed they'd be rich one day... How does 60% make it to the 1%? Ben Franklin said that anyone who is willing to trade freedom for a little security deserves neither and will lose both. And what they are hoping against hope for is security in their jobs and comfort zones... Security, as we have all painfully learned, is an illusion.

I think it's a little early for us to be talking about any lessons learned from the Occupy movement, but I'm keeping my mind and eyes open; time will tell.

Our corporate overlords, the plutocracy, have intentionally underfunded pensions and retirement packages for the last 20 years, at least. That has been one of their strategies to increase "profits" for their share holders and officers. They also buy million dollar life insurance policies on their employees, even minor ones, so that when one dies they collect... none goes to the families of those so covered, only to the company income ledger... the company is the only beneficiary.

Some complain about those who become bankrupt, as if they are the problem. They are not the problem, but a symptom of it. Fact is that bankruptcy is an inevitable outcome of a central bank (FED) and monetary system built on debt and interest, i.e. every dollar put into circulation includes, perhaps as much as 40 cents worth of debt already attached, and that's before anyone spends a dime. It's a system doomed to produce bankruptcy, recession, even collapse and global depression. And it's intentionally so, as those in charge increase their holdings and wealth at exponential rates during the financial bad times for the rest of us, for the planet, for the 99.9%... That's exactly what they want, as everything is for sale, and at fractions of their worth. They make out like the bandits (terrorists) that they are, and the rest of us suffer.

Unfortunately, there's no where else to go to escape our slave masters... We have to stay here and fight for our rights, right here where we stand. It's always a fight... fascist, plutocratic forces are, and will always try to enslave us, as they have from the very foundations of "civilization." Slavery has always been the most efficient means of wealth production for them, whether it's actual physical slavery (but then they have to house and feed us), or the slavery of paid labor, debt, and interest (where we have to house and feed ourselves)... better form of slavery to enrich them without having to sacrifice anything for us... Time to stand up for the rights of every person born on this planet. Its wealth is not the divine right of the plutocrats, though I know they believe otherwise. The more we (the human masses) suffer, the more they (plutocrats) obscenely prosper... Time to bring them down into the muck with the rest of us! We are all children of the universe, and no one person has any more divine or intrinsic worth than any other of us. If there is any divine right, then we all share it equally as children of this universe. I just wish that everyone could/would think long and hard about their own impact on this planet and each other, if for nothing else than the survival of our species and home; for the survival of our own children, grand, and great grand children, and their children's children's children... Humans can be so short sighted; I'm surprised we've lasted as long as we have. But nature has a way of taking care of species that over specialize (fail to adapt) and don't learn from their mistakes, as we have apparently not done. It's called "extinction." And if we don't change soon, the earth (and the greater universe) won't have to worry about our destructive actions, we'll contaminate and destroy that which gives us life, and we'll ALL die... end of story!

So, I say again, we have to stand up right where we are and fight, because sooner or later (probably sooner) it will be too late, and the process of our extinction will be irreversible... it may already be...
All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.--Aristotle 
The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.--Sophocles

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